Reiki and Breast Health

As a daughter and sister of breast cancer survivors you could say I am very mindful of my breast health.

It is now several years ago that I began to notice a very bad odor emanating from my underarms. At first, I thought, it must be hormonal changes. Then, I started to think it must be something I’m eating. This went on for another while, as I had to now wash my underarms more frequently sometimes a few times a day and as i don’t use deodorant or anti perspirant just to rid my body of the odor. After that I then began to apply essential oils to neutralize the odor.

It was some time after that the realization came that the odor was coming from my lymph nodes. That they were somehow stagnant, blocked, over worked or backed up. I had also begun to notice a great tenderness under my arms to the point that I couldn’t touch them or if something bumped into them accidentally it would cause great pain.

Once I lived my aha moment. I KNEW it was time to get to work. And so nightly I started a regimen of giving myself energy healing right to the breasts first and then to the lymph nodes after. Truthfully, the level of byosen (or toxicity and imbalance) that I felt was worrying. There was a thought that maybe I had waited too long. But that didn’t stop me from moving full steam ahead. I mean this is what I do for a living. Actually this is what i do for life. I am a healer. Plain and simple. So how could I be a healer if I could not heal myself.

So this is the regimen that I followed and healed myself:


Nightly, up to one hour of Reiki and energy healing directly on the breasts and lymph nodes. It took about a month of consistent and daily healing work to start to feel the decrease of byosen and the increase of flow of energy.


As part of this self care I also began dry brushing to move the lymph. I now swear by dry brushing. Even if I’m not taking a shower that day I will dry brush down my arms from fingers to underarms down to my heart. And then from my feet up. At least 10 good brushes in each region. All culminating to the direction of the heart. It’s also great for circulation in general and for exfoliating your skin. I mean the skin is your largest detoxification organ so, the more open and healthy it is the better.


An amazing essential oil to use for clearing lymph nodes is BAY LAUREL. You can use a few drops under your arms in the shower or I actually use it neat right on my underarms after my shower. It may sting a bit, and, do a patch test on your forearm to make sure your not ultra sensitive. I can feel it penetrate and open up my lymph ducts. It’s incredible.


Monthly, i go for an overall body massage with a concentration on lymphatic drainage on my underarms and breast tissue.


A lot of sniffing. I know it sounds funny and maybe even ridiculous, but I was continually smelling my underarms. As someone who never smelled when i sweated or after exertion i knew this ‘change’ or ‘smell’ was not normal. I knew what normal was for me. Once my smells returned to a non smell, even after a heavy sweating session, I knew that the healing had happened.


Once the odor disappeared, and the tenderness as well, I knew I was in good shape. However, this tends to be my vulnerable area and I’m vigilant and mindful to keep this area clear and healthy.


If you are one that can’t go everyday without deodorant or anti perspirant maybe try not wearing it on the weekends or, one day a week. A musky odor from sweat is normal. A strong and rank odor may not be. Even here, with different foods and spices and body metabolism we each need to ‘tune in’ to what are normal odors of our body and which are not. So, ladies especially those with mothers, sisters or other female family and extended family members with imbalances or diseases of the breast maybe consider taking some time to really get to know your body. It’s odors, its sore spots and what it needs from you to be and stay healthy.

I am convinced that without Reiki, energy healing, following my intuition and listening (as well as smelling) my body would not be in the place of health and wellbeing that it is now.

So, when was the last time you really took a good sniff of your underarms?

I will add a P.S. here! And that is, that it’s always good to get a medical opinion. For me, I’m connected to my physical body down to the cells. Not that I listen all the time, but once I connect I know exactly what’s happening and what I need. For others, having peace of mind with a clean bill of health is everything. However, just because something is not clinical does not mean it does not need healing. If you are experiencing non-normal ‘whatever, fill in the blank’ and there is no medical diagnosis yet. Hurray! It’s in these periods where if we can listen and act on our body’s wisdom that the saying of ‘an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure.” really saves us a lot of pain and suffering.

If you do have any questions or comments please send them to If ever an ‘energetic evaluation’ would be considered I’m here to help.

You can also visit my websites: or for more information on who I am, what I do.

Health is not just the absence of dis-ease.

Wishing you all the best of health and well being.

Written by Sema Tihan

Intuitive Energy Healer

Spiritual Life Coach

Jikiden Reiki Teacher